Sunday, May 12, 2013

Light Blue Briefs [Sold]

It's getting to be warmer out, so it's time for a lot more bare legs, which means I'm wearing a lot more panties under my skirts instead or hosiery. These are just some simple light blue cotton briefs that I've had for so long that the writing on the tag has worn off, so I can't tell you what brand they are.
 Like all items, they will be worn at least 24 hours and shipped within 72 hours after you have purchased them.
 Please let me know if you have any questions.
 I think the size is medium, since that's what I usually wear, but, like I said, the writing on the tag is completely worn off.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Beige W/ Tattoo Floral Print Hose [For Sale]

These hose are really fun for work or play. I love the floral print on the back. Sometimes people mistake it for a tattoo, which is kind of fun.

I've worn these hose with business attire and party attire and they totally work either way.

All used hose is worn for at least one day, with plenty of smell generated in the crotch and feet.

I take the hose straight off my body and put it into a zip-lock bag to preserve freshness.

I always welcome any special requests and love to answer questions from potential customers.

They have a slight tear on one leg, but the crotch and feet are intact.

You know you want them ;)


Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Hello world. Since I've had a lot of issues with posting on ebay lately, and I'd prefer to connect directly with my customers anyway, I've decided to do sell through this blog. You'll get some personal updates and plenty of items for you to purchase. Thank you for visiting and for all your love.